On the BART last week

More than a week ago on the way to my parents’ house, I saw someone I recognized. He had gotten onto the same car as me somewhere in the financial district. I was in the back of the car, stuffing myself in the corner with three huge bags – not able to move with all the people around me.

He was someone I used to know my second year of college—I met him through my roommate. At the time, I thought we had connected on many levels. The night that we watched Memento together. And when I first experienced Disney DDR which regardless of it being made for kids…was still so difficult. There was the studying for data structures. But fast forward 8 months later, we completely lost touch with each other – him making it into computer science and me deciding to go with cognitive science. He was the one who introduced me to Jimmy Eat World – my favorite band for a few years.

In September when I went to my first (real) football game at Cal, I was startled to see him high up in the bleachers. The same look of easy happiness. I had intended to go up and say hi after almost 4 years of no communication. But by the time the game was over, I was cold and he was no longer there.

And a week ago, I saw him enter the train and took a standing position near the door. At first, I stared at him trying to figure out if it was him. The dishelved clothing – almost like sweats. Messy hair. And headphones. With my three bags and stuck in a crowd during rush hour, I couldn’t get up. I stared at him. At some point, he did return my gaze but his facial expression didn’t change. Disinterest? Lack of recognition? Or just the fact that no matter where I go in the Bay Area, eventually I’ll run into someone I know—or someone I used to know.

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