
I dislike ridiculous slang and avoid it as much as possible. It’s those young’uns that keep using it after all!

But then recently, a young ‘un used hangry in front of me. As we walked around the NASA base a few weeks ago during a public opening, I was nearly dying. Without eating breakfast, I was subsisting on air fumes, the smaller dinner from the previous night. Every step I took to move from building in the multiple acre campus (imagine this: shuttles, big satellites, wind tunnels need to fit all here; imagine the space required). Within two hours of walking, my friend admitted that she was hangry. “I think that I am too!” I chirped, my stomach rumbling and my feet hurting.

But I couldn’t understand the word. Because I have always hated words like totes, natch, cray cray. Just say what you mean! But then I finally understood hangry.

When you find me at my worst, it’s when I have been starved beyond recognition (in my mind). Where I want to collapse in a heap. All because I follow my usual habits of not eating in the morning. My eyes are likely falling out, because I didn’t sleep well or that the alarm woke me up before my preferred natural waking up time.

“Where is the effffing food?” I want to demand and strangle anybody in the way. Instead that day on the NASA base, I just started charmingly singing, “Foodie!” every ten feet. As if I was calling a dog to come back to my side. “Foodie! Foodie! Foodie!!!!! Come fill my belly!”

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