Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2016 in five minutes. Set an alarm for five minutes and capture the things you most want to remember about 2016
2015 5 minutes, 2014 5 minutes, 2013 5 minutes, 2012 5 minutes, 2011 5 minutes, and 2010 5 minutes
Watching Black Mirror
Visiting Sweden and Finland
Appreciating winter (cold) destinations
Not quite seeing the Northern Lights in our special cabins
Realizing that a vacation can be enjoyed without eating out at all
Visiting four museums, eating hot dogs, and more in one day in Stockholm
Giving a talk to approximately 1000 people in Interaction 16
Launching Ice Cream Travel Guide into the world through book festivals, advertising, launch party and more
Giving the Pecha Kucha about Ice Cream Travel Guide for EPIC 2016
Being the enthusiastic emcee for an ice cream eating contest for National Ice Cream Travel Guide
Watching my sister get married and being part of her chillz bridal party
Eating a n/naka (and meeting Chef Niki) with my sister and Chris
Hosting multiple movie nights
Hosting friendsgiving for a total of 15 people
Getting a job at Mayo Clinic
Some freelance jobs at a consumer electronics company
Being part of XX/UX senior-level peeps group
Shipping and autographing copies of Ice Cream Travel Guide
Telling my story in Bangkok in a succinct and engaging way
Traveling to Minny Apple and Minny Soda again
Making more ice cream and more ice cream
…and not quite wanting to remember the election…
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