I want to follow the journey of Holden as in the The Catcher in The Rye from Hotel Edmont to Ernie\’s to Rockfeller Ice Skating to \”THE LUNTS\” to Central Park\’s Carousel. Then I want to follow the trails of SATC to club Bed to Jimmy Choo boutique to Barney\’s to Charlotte\’s gallery (Louis K. Meisel Gallery) to Carrie\’s apartment stoop. I would like to see Seinfeld\’s RESTAURANT and the soup nazi. And the ghostbusters\’ firehouse. What\’s up with my fascination? Of something so fake. And so Hollywoodish. Ironically, I don\’t really care much for seeing celebrities.
It\’s more that it makes me feel like I was part of something important. That I was part of something that could be forever engraved in people\’s memories. Even as trivial as walking the sidewalk where Carrie gets splashed in the opening scenes of SATC.