I take too many pictures of people! After seeing it from my Berkeley friends\’ point, I tend to focus too much on taking pictures of people I know at CMU–capturing the moment rather than the environment of the moment. Sure, you see all these faces of people you don\’t know, but are you interested in them? You want to know how it\’s like. You want to know how the experience is like. You don\’t really want to know who is in there.
There are two types of people:
– those who want to know the reasons behind things
– those who want to know what those things are
So it was great visiting all these people in Berkeley. Coincidentially, two other alumni also showed up too…all today! I walked into Rescomp and suddenly people were surprised and said, \”HEEEYYY! JENNNNN!!\” Admittingly, it is so different from walking into the CMU office. There, it\’s more focused, it\’s so team-based. But at rescomp, when I walk in, it\’s more male-dominated, there\’s a need to good off, a need to race in the chairs, a need to blast the music as loud as possible. But these two places which I probably will miss when I am gone…both have a famous couch where people sleep overnight.
I didn\’t get to walk through the campus, but stayed mostly Southside and went to Foothill. People are younger, but despite that, everything is the same. The new buildings are up at Unit 1 and Unit 2. I passed by my old apartment building, still ugly as ever. And it was 60 degrees. So hot.
Another memory of Berkeley: I brought one of my gay friends with me to an outing with my conservative girl friends once. He was bored and looking for something to do. The entire time, he treated me as he usually did–jabbing me, yelling my name whenever I did something abnormal (which is quite often), putting his arm around me…etc. The next day, my girl friends asked me if he was my boyfriend.