Hectic day today.

Woke up at 11 after yet another mysterious annoying \”wrong number\” phone call in the morning.

Talked to Naim.

Found some of my frozen Greek pizza and ate it.

Talked to Naim.

Worked on my one-pager for American Studies.

Talked to Naim.

Got dizzy.

Talked to Naim.

Let\’s throw some Herb in there too.

Talked to Naim.

Went to class. CS made me freak out with their low mean/median on the midterm. EE dulled me. American Studies made me anxious when Professor Moran forced me to speak in class – fortunately I was able to squeak out a sentence that sounded intelligent and thought-provoking. (Yeah right.)

Had the two-hour interview with Anh for her sociology class (who knew that talking about my family history/background could be so tedious and long?)

Talked to Naim.

Checked my CS midterm grade.

Talked to Naim.

Sighed happily.

Talked to Naim.

Went over to Unit 1 to work on EE with Cliff and Grace.

Took the wrong bus and ended up on University Avenue. I tried running to catch the Northside bus, but was late.

Walked back alone…in the lamplit dark. *gasp*

Found that everybody was getting a Naim c00kie, except me. :(

9 thoughts on “

  1. wow…talking to naim has got to be on top of everyone\’s list for highlight of the day.

  2. my day yesterday:
    woke up, went online to do last minute work.
    talked to naim.
    went to school and did all that school stuff then meeting then home.
    talked to naim.
    talked to naim.
    saw scary picture of naim towering over us from behind the cal library.

  3. ^_^ WHEEEE. But you have cookies it seems Jenn.. If you want the one I wrote though I\’ll give it to you, it\’s easy as cake to install :)

  4. I cook my own c00kies! :D If I had been using gm though, I would have wrote (or stolen) someone\’s c00kies anyway.

    Fixed line breaks and the \”scarigy\”. :)

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