I was an only child for approximately 14 months until a small wrinkled being appeared in the house. I don\’t remember a single thing about that transition at all. Sometimes, it doesn\’t seem like I was ever alone.

How is being an only child like? To be the only one child, the target of parents\’ affections and nagging. Are they really that much more spoiled? And self-serving and self-centered? Or aren\’t they more mature? More independent? Are they satisfied with being an only child?

There\’s one only child I used to know. He always talked about having a big sister. In fact, within the first few years of college, he had many female friends. Older. \”Wiser\”. To serve his need of having a mother-like same-age-group sibling.

My friend described being an only child as: when i want to sleep, i\’ll go to sleep. when i want to eat, i\’ll eat. How\’s that?

Unlike most people, I have never thought how it would be like to be an only child. I have always wondered how it would be like if I actually was the younger one rather than the guinea pig. Some of my most horrifying nightmares have been when my sister went away. It would be so lonely, not to have an accomplice to understand my angst of my parents. To not have a sidekick when we end up in a boring family event. To not have someone who do things I like doing without having that pressure and anxiety of someone that doesn\’t know why I am the way I am. It\’s not blood, it\’s a mutual understanding.

1 thought on “

  1. \”Some of my most horrifying nightmares have been when my sister went away. It would be so lonely, not to have an accomplice to understand my angst of my parents. To not have a sidekick when we end up in a boring family event. To not have someone who do things I like doing without having that pressure and anxiety of someone that doesn\’t know why I am the way I am. It\’s not blood, it\’s a mutual understanding.\”

    I was just having a really depressed moment and randomly surfing to see if anyone else out there shared my angst of
    being an only child, you are not one but you\’ve voiced exactly how I feel, it\’s weird because I\’ve thought all non-only children don\’t understand.

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