Out of a slight addiction to web 2.0 activities, I attended the SF New Tech meetup today. Unfortunately, the presentations were slightly shaky and not as toned as I thought talks in the real world of the Internet would be.
I personally advocate short talks with a lot of visuals. The rule is if you have 30 minutes, give a 10-15 minute talk. Less text, lots of photos.
But some interesting things:
posticky.com – stickies web application so that it can persist over several computers, but the guy was saying that they didn\’t have a clientside application because it lacked the functionality to automatically update (wouldn\’t there be a way to build this anyway?)
peopleaggregator.com – a great idea to seamlessly blend all social networks together and have a single place to control them all. Except that the guy was a bit obnoxious. After all, he\’s a darling of valleywag.
Until next time. Or whether I can find energy within myself to partake in these activities. It was held at the cnet building and there were drinks provided by a local law firm.
Your peopleaggregator link is bustified.
So all there is now is just a presentation on that site? Nothing to actually do? What about our home-grown project of a similar nature? Did that get presented?