Feel safe in the Mission?

A man shot to death less than a block from my apartment..

Unless you are in a gang you shouldn’t worry about the mission. – a fellow Yelper

The first time I learned about the Mission was in my AP Spanish class. My teacher took us on a field trip here to be culturalized with the murals. I was fascinated with the different style of living in a city just across the bay.

The next time I was in the Mission was an interview at Ritual Roasters.

About 4 months later, I moved to the Mission. People not familiar with the Mission often ask why I chose this neighborhood. It’s not safe! I would shake my head, knowing that they haven’t experienced the gentrification—the growth of trendy restaurants that I even can’t afford to go to. Don’t walk around at night! But I do.

Recently a former coworker talked about how her sister was mugged in broad daylight at 10 am by some kids in…COLE VALLEY. Her sister was surprised, but angry. She ran after the kids, demanding that they give her the purse. The kids jumped into a car and she yanked the door. Surprised that she had opened the door, she stood there in shock, not having planned what to do next. Finally, she yelled to get her purse back and the kids drove off in a car with no license plate.

But what would she have done if there was a knife? A gun?

What would I have done? I am possessive about my stuff, knowing how long it will take to recover all the lost data, the identification and worldly possessions. Would I stupidly try to grab my stuff back? Would I have kneed him and gotten away safely? Would I have finally used my pepper spray…successfully…for the first time?

I wouldn’t move out because of rising crime in San Francisco. Crime increases because of unemployment? (hey person who still owes me $100…why haven’t you paid me back???)

But walking in the Mission. They say…karma’s a bitch.

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