Sunsets and beautiful beaches

It was the moment that everyone was waiting for—the tropical paradise. As we tumbled out of the van finally arriving at the Golden Bay Cottages in Ko Lanta, we quickly checked in and put down our things. Some refreshed ourselves after the long never-ending ride from Chumpon. Then we went to the beach right outside our bungalows.

I wandered up and down by myself on the beach, looking at the hotels. Watching other people. The crowds. And the near stillness, interrupted by a crash of soft waves on the beach. The beach was clean, unlittered. There were a few ships in the distance. Nobody in the water.

Four people and sunset

Out in the distance, I saw four figures against the scene—a sun setting on a horizon. Having been around the same people for more than a week, I could tell it was Shipra, Jeff, Katy and John. Stopping, I took a picture of the moment—wanting to show people back home what I saw. But only what I saw, not quite what I was feeling. Not wanting to do my wimpy exit even with a desire for solitude, I walked over and waved as someone saw me.

Jeff ran toward me in full speed and I pulled my arms close to my body, bracing for an unwanted impact. As he hugged me yelling “it’s absolutely beautiful!!! we are in paradise!”, I screamed in mock surprise.

Unwrapping his arms around me, I nodded silently. It is beautiful.

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