Woink! Poooom!

Yes, those sounds of the electricity going out. Don\’t they just sound dreadful?

I had my mini-heater going on. My computer on, blasting my music from the speakers. I also had my new George Foreman Lean, Mean Grilling Machine burning a fat piece of meat in the kitchen. Also, my roommate had her computer going, playing classical music. She was using my toaster oven to cook a drumstick. Oh, and not to mention we had nearly all the lights on.

No it wasn\’t our fault!

We were electricity-less for about thirty minutes, during which I took the initiative to call PG&E (plus my parents for advice). I shuffled to the kitchen in complete darkness, trying to find the lighter to light my roommate\’s candle. She then found her flashlight. With the light from the hallway, I called Omar, my landlord. He figured out to flip the switch. Weariness overcame me and I sorta forgot to ask him about fixing the window lock.

And here we are again…with three computers on full blast…lights on in every room in the apartment…cooking in the kitchen…charging my poor little cell…

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