2011: One Word


One Word. Encapsulate the year in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?
Recapturing the “Reverb” series from last year

It’s the first word that comes to mind that describes 2011. I changed jobs. I changed my social media behavior not once, twice, thrice. My sleeping patterns are different. I started biking. I made many new friends and kept many of them close. Most importantly, I rediscovered myself. And more.

New people.

The result of a sum of 1+1+Palm

I never thought I would be riding a road bike.

Bkes on a boat

For next year, I hope that it’s progress. For improvement and achieving happiness. Last year, I thought 2011 would be discovery, but it wasn’t…entirely. Sure, I discovered, but it was quite often a twist on what I already knew.

2 thoughts on “2011: One Word

  1. Pingback: of.jennism » Blog Archive » 2012: One Word

  2. Pingback: 2018: One Word | of.jennism

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