As a last method of procrastination, I have decided to BLOG!!!!

This is the one reason that I have not finished a single assignment. It\’s silly, but whoa, does it make you feel good when you find the answer!!!

I don\’t know why I have been so unmotivated lately to do any work. It\’s there waiting. And it\’s not like it is so complex that I cannot finish it (ahem, besides perl…how did I get myself into that class again?). And the topics for my cog sci paper is interesting, considering that I have argued a lot with people over the concept of a \”friend\”. (Yes, my paper is on the contest category of \”friend\”–what makes someone a friend? people often introduce aquaintances as friends. are people you hang out with only in groups a friend? post comments about there here!) And…caution: more demovitation ahead.

4 thoughts on “

  1. That\’s why I like to say \”peers\” or \”acquaintances.\” Also why I like Chinese better. There\’s a difference between \”friend\” and \”classmate\” that we don\’t necessarily distinguish here.

  2. Well, I would like to say that a friend is someone you can trust. That is to say, if you haven\’t talked to them for a week, you can be okay with them a week later. Usually u want to keep in touch in them too. for example people I consider good friends right now are: miz jen, ln, lydia, tompee people who u would resort to if you wanted to have a talk or hang out. who would u call first? something like that? They also have to make the effort to contact you. Friends do become acquaintances. I\’m sure u know that. take for example seth or something. or like..boris and ur other peeps. it\’s not like you excommunicated them on purpose, but they probably got dull and are not worth the effort anymore.

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