That was how much I was involved with the protest at Berkeley. Just a photo of the protest (consisting of at least 1000 people singing, chanting, having speakers etc. and yes there were people selling t-shirts and signs) as I was walking to class. I don\’t wholly agree with the war, but like many of the students here, I am apathetic. It\’s not that I don\’t want to voice my view, but it\’s just that apathy of…what good will it do to protest?

Most people I know complain that protests block the passage way of buildings, take away business, destroy the peace. But that is the point of the protest–to disrupt every day living, in order to make the point.

6 thoughts on “

  1. yeah boohoo to those people who can\’t drive to work as fast as possible like usual.. when across the world, iraqi citizens are scared to even leave their houses, and face death every minute that the US continues to bomb their cities

  2. yeah, it\’s annoying. But then some people claim that these protests are futile, because they don\’t prove a point. to my surprise, the protestors actually had a point (approximately 117 protestors were arrested) – they wanted berkeley to be the sister school to university of baghad. they wanted the university to stop increasing fees for students and slashing the salaries for professors during the war.

    apathy? yes, that\’s me. But I am not one to say that protests shouldn\’t be held at all.

  3. well put, but then u know protests are ruining the businesses of America. Is that what is really needed in times of war and crisis. I want my jamba juice, but since so many people are blocking my way, I can\’t get it ;o

  4. but there is the difference!!! protests aren\’t ruining the economy. there aren\’t enough people to block the entrances to businesses.

  5. this war is increasing the economy of the US. the stock market is doing relatively well!

  6. the stock market hasnt shown any major gains since this war started. it\’s doing the normal fluctuations it has for a while now. trust me, i follow the markets.

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