Was thinking about this and I realized that I had the image on my hard drive. Awwww, how sweet of Tanner to photochop me back in the days when he didn\’t even know who I was.


8 thoughts on “

  1. wait, so that\’s what it means? do tell me what the joke is because all I see is a sports drink glued to ___.

    this was shortly after tanner had joined positively.cpnet. He made one of Naim (who wasn\’t that happy about it) and one of me (but he took it down before I ever saw it…and he sent it to me later). SNIFF!

  2. :p you mean all this time and you never got it? yes you\’re being anally probed by a powerade bottle. and you wonder why i wasnt pleased.


  3. i don\’t know what anally probed really means? wait so powerade is supposed to symbolize aliens? doh?

  4. i have no idea what the powerade means… but anally probed means it\’s going for a ride! :X

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