“Let’s take photos of what we are eating!” I exclaimed.
So we carefully moved our plates into position and held our phones above. Click. Then we uploaded it to twitter with a slightly boastful comment.
“There is a crash at SFO!” he exclaimed. “It’s all over twitter.”
We gazed down on our food, steaming and swimming in richness. Both of us exchanged embarrassed looks for our rare boast of food.
As the news reports rolled in, we became part of the concerned public. We trolled twitter for commentary. Then the restaurant turned on the large TV blasting the breaking news. Fellow customers made loud generalization — “They say SFO is so unsafe because of the fog!” and “I flew into SFO just a few days ago.” Everyone including me was suddenly an expert on everything.
I know that it’s because all of us were suddenly aware of our own mortality and how short our lives could be.
But later, I came across Sheryl Sandberg’s commentary on her Facebook. My first thought was “Well couldn’t I tell everyone that I landed at SFO just over two weeks ago and I am so glad that I wasn’t there!” But that seemed insensitive and disrespected the tragedy. So I held my lip, just hoping that it was going to be a miracle landing.
But as the top story of Sandberg’s “miraculous choice” zoomed to top all news outlets…I wondered if she was well-deserved? And I wanted to add my own snarky commentary as we listened to all the radio reports from eyewitnesses who blurted how they were driving by SFO and saw…smoke! And that they saw…more smoke! And that they are unhappy!
Regardless, I loved this comment from the gawker post:
Nilla Waffler: You guys. I was on a jet out of Portland with a connection in Newark. One year later BAM 9/11.
Thank god I’m ok though, right?