I have always consider me to be a non-anxious person (at least when it comes to academia), but did you see me as I walked into the GRE test room?

The GRE is computer adaptive which means that the test is entirely taken on a computer, where you click on multiple choice (just like those online surveys!) and word process up essays there. Plus, since it\’s computer-adaptive, if you can\’t answer the first few questions correctly, the computer will give you easy questions (which sort of is bad for your score). If you answer the first few correctly, it will give you harder questions.

Oddly enough, it was the first time that I had a this test is going to determine my entire future mindset. It\’s probably not really true. How many people do you really know who have gone to graduate school? Yeah.

The first section (the analytical section) went well. I did as Princeton Review told me to do. Yet as I started on the next section, the guy who had been pounding at his mouse the entire time, started on his essay portion. And no matter how much I could phase out, his pounding on the keyboard was just…horrible and distracting. I suppose I could have asked the proctors for earplugs, but I didn\’t and just sat through it all. Thankfully, that section that I had been working on was probably experimental because I still got a decent score at the end.

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