Cannot watch the same movie more than two times in a month
Will get hiccups if tired and sleepy and…anxious
Must prepare for burger challenge
If desire arises to roll around in extra virgin snow, must wear shoes that don\’t allow ice to soak through
Have weakness for food, especially if someone is cooking for me…(thanks Jeff!)
On another note, say no to going out for dinner if have work to do
Iced tea is really high frutose syrup
Buy boots without heels
Heels hurt feet
Flying snow hurts face
Don\’t step into those brown puddles in the road
Don\’t walk too close to the edge of the sidewalk in Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh drivers don\’t notice pedestrians
Wool is itchy
2 thoughts on “”
what a proliferation of lists you have.
I don\’t see the problem with seeing the same movie twice in a month, as long as it\’s free (or really, really good).
oh that\’s a personal preference. I find that I become very antsy when I see the same movie twice within a same month period. Like I know what\’s going to happen and I can\’t wait until it happens.
what a proliferation of lists you have.
I don\’t see the problem with seeing the same movie twice in a month, as long as it\’s free (or really, really good).
oh that\’s a personal preference. I find that I become very antsy when I see the same movie twice within a same month period. Like I know what\’s going to happen and I can\’t wait until it happens.