“I love my iPhone…”

“…and I can’t live without it,” he said.

While at LAX waiting the 2 hours for my flight, I had been idly browsing through my computer. Not willing to pay for the internet at the airport and being…smart phone less, I was manually updating my phone book.

When suddenly a guy appeared next to me with an iPhone cord and his power-less iPhone. He apologized and explained his situation. He was going to Hawaii and just needed 5 minutes of charge so that when he arrived in Honolulu, he could make a phone call. I nodded and allowed him to plug his USB cord into my well-charged laptop.

At a quick glance as he rambled about how love for his iPhone, I pegged him as a non tech-geek. I asked him about his favorite apps and he handed me his iPhone. I browsed through it…the standard…but then I didn’t recognize more than 75%. He said that he had jailbroken his iPhone…thus the different wallpaper.

When I pointed out that he could quickly jot down his friends’ phone numbers and call the old-fashioned way…or even better…ask his friends for a specific place and specific time…he paused for a moment. It was a lost cause, I could tell. Like him, I was already dependent on technology. I do have four phone numbers memorized—Chris’, my parents’ (landline and cell), and my sister’s.

And after 10 minutes, he was satisfied with his phone’s charge and thanked me, “Thanks for letting me take some of your juice.”

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