Reverb 10: Writing

December 2 – Writing. What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing — and can you eliminate it?

There is a shallow response to this prompt. Sleep, floss, washing dishes—the mundane tasks of everyday life that don’t deserve to be written about.

Yet, there’s a deeper response. Everything influences each other. By not sleeping, I sometimes see the world differently in a tired state. Perhaps by not washing the dishes, I annoy others in the household who thus cause an event that wouldn’t have occurred. Or floss…well the results of teeth issues certainly is writable.

I primarily write about my own life—a wholly egocentric view. Writing is a time for me to reflect and de-stress. How can I do without anything when everything is a small piece of the bigger picture…of me.

Although I certainly could do without alarms. Or the idea that I have to be somewhere on time would be superbly nice.

7 thoughts on “Reverb 10: Writing

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