2024: Writing

Writing. What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing and can you eliminate it?

In 2010, I said everything. In 2015, I said fear. In 2016, I said that it’s sitting down and doing it.
In 2017, I said that it was work.
In 2018, I said that it was lack of support. In 2019, it really was the lack of accountability. In 2020, I said that it was about losing my creative space to WFH, but it really was about setting time for it. In 2021, I said that it was work. In 2022, I said that it was the way I used my free time. In 2023, I said that it was frugality.

This year, in the before, it might have simply been distraction. The everyday life thing. But then the after, it was purely the kind of distraction that gets super deep into your bones, the kind that seeps into your mind and grows and grows and you can’t put words to it clearly because you’re unable to sit down because there are life events literally taking up your time and you need to attend to them emotionally and write down the thoughts but if you do, it just comes out like mush, but you don’t ever like to delete and edit things when they’re raw so you have all of this mush sitting in the computer and you’re just feeling really awkward about it so you don’t but then suddenly after talking to therapy and maybe using the resilience skills that you have surprisingly built all your life you’re feeling better and your mind is filled up with ideas so you read and read and then the words come out and you worry that you can’t get the thoughts out soon enough and you’re already at the end of the year writing this post and you think you think maybe I’ll write more but just not now.

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