Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2020 in five minutes. Set an alarm for five minutes and capture the things you most want to remember about 2020.
2019 5 minutes, 2018 5 minutes, 2017 5 minutes, 2016 5 minutes, 2015 5 minutes, 2014 5 minutes, 2013 5 minutes, 2012 5 minutes, 2011 5 minutes, and 2010 5 minutes
- When they announced shelter in place
- When they called it at Four Seasons Total Landscaping
- Biden winning Arizona
- Getting accepted to Tin House
- Getting accepted to VONA
- Co-leading the BIPOC community at Tin House
- Reading at a BIPOC event at Tin House
- Workshop at Tin House
- Getting published at Quiet Lighting
- Reading at Quiet Lighting
- Reading at Novalia
- Taking a class on Cathy Park Hong’s Minor Feelings
- Making sourdough bread the first time
- Making sourdough bread and it turned out well
- Making a dutch baby
- Birthday zoom
- Animal Crossing and having people on the island on birthday
- Meeting people on animal crossing
- Getting Animal Crossing and switch
- First day at new job
- Eating at cafe of new job
- New writing group
- going to Orr hot springs
- Getting po po big watch
- po po funeral and burial
- Doing The Artist’s Way
- Taking the shuttle to new job
- Winning trivia night organized by Becca
- Watching lots of TV
- Watching Tenet
- Seeing Chris getting Tenet from Santa
- Getting first covid test
- Getting second covid test
- Getting negative results each time
- Seeing parents for the first time in their backyard since March
- Having dinner with parents in early March against our recommendations
- Waiting in line for House of Prime Rib on Thanksgiving
- Having Farmhouse Thai birthday (remote) celebration
- Having fancy eats from San Ho Won
- Having first take home meal from Han Il Kwan
- Having Claws of Mantis
- Having the basque cheesecake
- Giving a Pecha Kucha at work research summit
- Writing and workshopping How to Grieve essay based on my experiences in the pandemic and Po Po’s passing
- Reading a truncated essay of that at a Minor Feelings reading
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