I was going to blog about the lunar gala and how I introspected about the judging of appearances overall in society. But now I am suddenly bothered by the prospect of spending A LOT OF $$$$ during spring break. What should I really be doing during spring break? I certainly don\’t want to fly back to the bay area. I would want to visit my friend at MIT, but I don\’t think she\’ll want me to hang around for an entire week. I want to visit my friend on Long Island, but I don\’t think she would want me around that long either! I personally would like to explore NYC by myself, but I know I\’ll get bored of that after one day. but isn\’t all of this relative? I still have the mindset of a naive freshman. Nothing is absolute. Everything is a perspective. If I think it will be horrible, it will be horrible.
The professor I work for recently got aim for the purpose of keeping in touch with his students. It\’s just weird for me. Although my supervisor at rescomp did keep in touch with his people through aim, it was ok because he was around my age group. I hear some people giving up aim for lent. From my current perspective, I don\’t even know how anyone can do that. I have to use aim to keep in touch with classmates and team members. Without it, people get frusturated with the waiting of e-mail, because it\’s too slow. The phone is too instant. The instant messenger is good enough for quick messages like \”where is today\’s minutes located on the wiki?\”
You can go to MIT and Long Island, that would be no more than 3 or 4 days each. They don\’t seem that far away from each other.
E-mail too slow eh? Maybe if society was so busy busy and everything wasn\’t due yesterday. No time to refax indeed. Where did it all go/