Showtime free weekend! Somehow yesterday I got suckered into the sci-fi Friday. When I was younger, I was a bit obsessed with science fiction. One of my favorite books then was Christopher Pike\’s The Starlight Crystal. Then a book called Virtual Girl with so many allusions that it made me research science so much more. Then another one about a space station orbiting in space where I learned what an entity really is. Then well…does it count as science fiction…I tried to read the series by Piers Anthony.

And Ray Bradbury of course.

Am I a geek?

But I would like to repeat. The 6th Day sucks.

Seriously, I must be crazy. :p

My first Friday Five in a long time.

1. Do you live in a house, an apartment or a condo?
In this place I call \”home\”, I live in a house that\’s three stories. Four bedrooms, three bath, one kitchen, one living room, one family room, one dining room, one laundry room, an \”office\”, three car garage, two patios and a nice little private driveway. Out in berkeley, I had lived in an apartment. One bedroom, one kitchen, one bathroom, one living room and too many noisy neighbors. Oh and a parking spot that doesn\’t exist.

2. Do you rent or own?
My parents own the house I call \”home\” and three other houses somewhere out there. I used to live in two of these three. My parents rent the apartment I live in Berkeley. For some extraneous price that is more than the rent they charge for the houses. :p

3. Does anyone else live with you?
In this place I call \”home\”, there\’s my mother and my father. My younger sister. Me. And my dreams. In Berkeley, I used to live with two roommates. Yes that\’s right three girls in an one bedroom apartment. Oh and the sex-crazed neighbors. If I can hear them, I am sure that I am living with them although I only saw their faces about eight times the entire year I lived there.

4. How many times have you moved in your life?
three times. First time to the other side of the city to a bigger house. Second time to a city thirty minutes away for a better school district. Third time…well to go to college.

5. What are your plans for this weekend?
Sleep. Then I am supposed to send out The Days of Protagonists. Yes I know some people are on my case now…

A physical in the morning. Actually, it was in early afternoon, but I barely woke up until an hour before. Turns out that I will be spending 6-7 hours sitting and typing since they only tested my hand strength and my hand flexibility. Oh and the drug test.

Yeh came back! My sister was complaining while we drove around Southside over and over again. Turns out that someone ripped the street sign and that\’s why I couldn\’t find it. Then an address on a cross street messed me up. Good things cell phones come in handy. It was really good seeing Yeh again. He doesn\’t wear polo shirts as much. And what a nice gift. :D Thank you! Thank you to his aunt too. Must I also add that I asked for one (jokingly), heh. Then for the next hour, my sis made a big scene about how I was being selfish and greedy…

Saw the family again. I know it sounds like a bad thing…well maybe it is. :p Went to this expensive Chinese restaurant in the pseudo-Chinatown. My sis and I talked to each other the entire time. Then we proceeded to shed a tear when we saw Aunt Frances and Aunt Susan take a cheek-to-cheek picture together. Afterwards, we groaned at having a similar sisterly photo op. I also decided to be boastful and shared my url with them. Let\’s see if they see this site today. ;) Hello Aunt Susan! Hello Uncle Sam! Hello Aunt Frances!

TV. Free Showtime. I know…how can I become some TV addict when I am opposed directly to having a TV in my apartment? I am not quite sure, but I am attracted to those independent shows. Yes, I admit it. I was the one downstairs at 11 pm watching Undressed on MTV.

Speaking of which…

I found a copy of The Best American Erotic Stories on my dad\’s bedside table. Whoops. I think I got him into trouble now. ;) No really, it\’s true literary quality. Especially when one of the stories is titled \”Milk\” and it turns out all to be about yes you-know-what. (I was scanning…hello) *waves hello to non-regular visitors*

Six feet under!

Lauren Ambrose was on David Letterman yesterday night. :D She can actually sing. She was on Can\’t Hardly Wait as Denise and that\’s what caught my eye.

Rachel Griffiths is actually…non-American. She sounds Austrailian.

Nate one of the main characters is becoming more unlikable. How clueless. Keith is heartless. I don\’t understand how he can be so self-destructive. And surprisingly, David portrayed as the control freak last season is becoming likeable.

I know, doesn\’t TV make for a real reality?

And nobody ever watches this show.

Yesterday, the instructor (yes the horrible networking instructor that I kept complaining about a week earlier…who also gave me a nightmare that I was stuck in his class forever) wanted us to demonstrate network topologies. So he told us to get up and form a circle. And hold hands. I was like…EERRK! I reluctantly raised my left hand to the guy next to me and a second later, put my hand back down. I didn\’t want to hold hands. The guys to the right of me didn\’t want to do it either. But then the instructor started passing around a digital message around the circle. When it got to the \”broken link\”, the instructor started screaming \”BREAK IN DATA BREAK IN DATA BREAK IN DATA!\”

Then he made us demonstrate star topology and we had to hold our arms in front of us (still holding hands) for a good 7 minutes. Tiring.

Then one of the smart alec students said that he didn\’t have a message to pass along and broke the circle again. This time the instructor passed along a HELP HELP message around the circle and had almost all of us screaming HELP HELP by the time we finished.

Lame? Yes. Helpful? Maybe. Interesting? Well, okay…I give my instructor that benefit of doubt.

Treehaven apartments. Two buildings down from where I used to live. Owner looking for only people who want to do well in school. Two bedroom apartment. Going to cost $2200/month for 3 people. $1900/month for 2 people. Older building? Thanks, but no thanks.

And the search continues.

My homefinders listing is going to expire at the end of this month. :p

An apartment with no cellular reception and no laundry facilities?! I am pretty much hesitant on that place. All of the sudden, I found the apartment listed at craigslist – a very popular listing for rentals. And the real estate agency is planning to hold an open house later today.

UGH. So this means I cannot be undecided. The apartment now is as good as gone. :p

Went to Todai today with my aunt. It was interesting…and incredibly filling. My mom got to the check again and my aunt was displeased…a little. The little yellow squid is so cute! :)

Reminder to self: must go to Todai for a free birthday meal!

My aunt came to visit today! Yes, that\’s the mother of Jeff of and

But, I would like to comment that I found the perfect apartment today. BUT! There are two horrible things. It\’s on the first floor. And…waaaaaaaaah…*sob*…I have no cellular reception! WHINE!!!