I can\’t believe how many times I have attended office hours in the last week. Before this year, I would be so anxious to even go to one, in the fear that a professor or a gsi would consider me as one of THOSE students…
But because I am desperate for help, the last week I have attended at least one office hour for each of my classes.
Last Monday: I chickened out on going to office hours of my cs prof
Tuesday: I ran to Soda Hall and found my CS gsi wandering around…to my embarassment, I asked her whether she was available and she said she was not and that she had class…
Wednesday: spent a nice long hour with my gsi for cs (see above)
Thursday: spent a long time with my ling gsi for hw, then ran to see the other cs gsi
Friday: ran and got a signature from the perl instructor; then spent a nice 20 minutes with my cog sci gsi
Monday: spent a nice 45 minutes with my ling gsi; skipped my own office hours…
later today: maybe cog sci gsi, maybe ling gsi?
Not that it helps, but it gives me beliefs that I have been helped…