\”We are not made up, as we have always supposed, of succeesssively enriched packets of our own parts. We are shared, rented, occupied…without the mitochondira, we would not move a muscle, drum a finger, think a thought.\”
Said Dr. Lewis Thomas on the back of this really AWD-tasting EMER\’GEN-C fizzy vitamin c drink that my housemate Carol gave me.
I asked my professor for my IID class for an extension to our project due on Wednesday. Not to my surprise, she basically denied it, saying that I should turn in whatever I had. This sort of reflects the lack of student-centered practices at schools. Who heard of sick days at school? If I need to take a day off, I don\’t have to call in (low responsibility is great, right), but I will miss hours of lectures, discussions, meetings etc. Students are not allowed to get sick (except on weekends). Despite some recommendations in the University health brocheres (go home and rest when you\’re sick!), we are often encouraged to go to class bringing along a 5 feet infectious radius of virii and bacteria. Over the years, I counteracted this unspoken agreement by having my own optimistic view. I will complete mind-wrecking labs with a 102 degree fever. I will attend lecture with a dry hacking cough even though nobody can hear the speaker any longer. I will go to campus and spread my disease so that everyone will be infected and I will ride up the curve! BWAHAHAHAHA.
Ok, enough of my optimism. Looks like procrastination doesn\’t really go away when I am sick either.