Ideal Job, not a perfect fit. I love blogging, I love social networks and everything associated with it. But I am more interested in how an interface is derived. I am interested in the user research, the foundations and user needs.

i.e. How can blog software be redesigned to fit one\’s rountine? Does the interface satisfy what the user needs to do their tasks?

Too bad.

With a sudden increase in free time this week, I decided to check out \”Big Love\”. That new show on HBO that is supposed to be the next big hit after Sopranos and Six Feet Under finish. It\’s about a polygamous marriage in Utah – a man with 3 wives and 7 kids. And the usual suburban (Mormon) life.

Edgy? The subject yes. The drama? Somehwat slow. Cute kids. A man who takes viagra to keep up with his three wives. And the financial troubles that result from supporting three households. The usual. And trying to hide his unusual lifestyle from the rest of the world. Oh and the catfights among women. Desperate housewives times 10. It has potential, but we shall see!

I really have trouble leaving familiarity.

In the last few days, I suddenly realized that I don\’t want to meet any more new people in Pittsburgh. There isn\’t enough time to do the new person thing. The awkward, exciting stage of I-don\’t-know-yet. Then the comfort phase of friendship where we establish ties, an exchange of cell phone numbers or screennames, the regular hang out, the casual small talk of every day life.

The prospective phds are visiting this weekend. The prospectives for my masters program are visiting the following week.

I know I am often at my best in times where I have nothing to lose. The last few months I had in Berkeley, I met so many people–people who felt like they had known me forever. It\’s reaching that point now, but unlike before, I won\’t be as likely to return. In a few years if I ever visit Pittsburgh, the city won\’t be the same. Perhaps, only one or two of the people I knew would be here. And that\’s it.

How about a cliched statement? Isn\’t this just the…end of the beginning?

I smell someone cooking ground beef in my house. Now I am hungry.

The greatest moment of today.

\”It is healing well. Do you have any questions?\”

\”Yes, uh well…do I have to wear my splint?\”

\”No, you don\’t need it any longer.\” A pause and the overly excited smile from my part. \”Do you do any sports?\”

\”Ah well…not really, because of this…I try to run.\”

\”Just don\’t do any karate chops.\”

\”I won\’t! Thank you, doctor!\”

Buy a bag that uses velcro?

I am thinking of buying the STM small loft bag. Urban. Stylish (to me, I know others agree). Sturdy. Minimal. And hides the fact that I carry a laptop.

Everything is great, except it uses velcro to close two compartments. So that means no sneaking into class or meetings late. No falling into the comfortable silence in cafes.

Awhile ago, the Eddie Bauer backpacks were the rage in school. Middle to high school. I remember thinking about getting it…but. It had velcro for its pens and pencils. Back then, I was more nervous and anxious about being noticed. I went with a greatland backpack that lasted throughout undergrad.

Otherwise, I was thinking of the *gasp* timbuk2 Marina bag. The designer bags I found earlier are nice, but still!

My requirements: the ability to carry my laptop (discreetly) with sufficient padding, a place for a water bottle, room to carry at least a binder, wallet, ipod, keys, phone, digicam, pens/pencils, padded shoulder strap (enough that I walk with this at least an hour without hurting myself) and finally a bag that doesn\’t look like anybody\’s bag!

If you give Jenn a piece of pie…

If you give Jenn a piece from your chocolate heart…

If you give Jenn some of your fabulous, delicious dessert…

she\’ll not only eat it all, she\’ll ask for more.

Wong Fu Productions, recommended by my sister, by people at UCSD. Some of the greatest amateur videos I have seen. Promoting Asian Americans in media!

A quote on their website reads If at the end of the day, there\’s someone out there who has a better day because of us…then we\’ve succeeded.

In some way, isn\’t that what art is?

A month ago, I heard a clatter behind me as I was walking out of the University Center. I looked back. An ipod. White. I looked up, nobody there. I picked up the ipod and turned it over to see if there was an engraving, wondering whose it was.

I don\’t do windows, it said.

My ipod! Mine! I spun around to put it in my bag. More clatter. The rocks and dice for my game design assignment fell out. The Adidas backpack I had bought before coming to CMU had a hole in the bottom. How it got there, I don\’t know. That backpack was meant to be the last backpack I was ever going to buy. Some $80 worth.

I am now on a search for a new bag. Should I mature and buy a messenger bag (who has backpacks nowadays?) Should I get another backpack? I certainly don\’t want to be mainstream and end up with a timbuk2 bag. No more gray or black. So I have been spending the last few hours researching. Jack Spade? $200 leather bags? Fashionable bags? Queen Bee bags? Snap Design bags? Acme Made bags? Ebags?

I don\’t know anything about makeup or hairstyles. But my laptop has got to look good and I\’ll make sure of it.

Then I realized CMU design students also make their own. Ok, but where can I buy one?