Alas, how did that happen. Rekutyn of (the site that I sponsored for the blogathon) somehow got disqualified.

And I wrote the following request to them:
I am a sponsor for and believe that he was wrongfully disqualified. Although it does seem like he violated the rules for automatic posting (he said that he did not)…I belive that it\’s more that the blogathon should be focused on raising the money rather than people who unwittingly bended the rules. Because of server problems, he was not able to receive the e-mail until after the 30 minute deadline.

I want to request that he be added back to the Blogathon list. Even if he is not added, I still intend to send the money for the full 24 hours to the specified charity.

I just believe such an effort should not be wasted over a slight oversight of the rules.



Hope that catches their eye. It would be so disappointing to see such an effort be wasted. sad.

Well it was sort of disappointing to me…really. The guy I am sponsoring for the blogathon…is losing steam. COMMENT HIM! encouragement (although I bet it\’s too late already). Sorry I didn\’t keep tabs.

Anyway, so unlike yesterday, I had a good day today. No evil side of me emerged although I am sure…I had moments that the evil side of me wanted to leap out and just murder people on site. Oh I am so sadistic.

Tram had her BBQ. And this time, there was no pseudo-drama. Although unfortunately Tram\’s friend got in a car accident along the way. Nobody was hurt, but one of the cars involved was very damaged. The SUV was completely undamaged. Reminder to those out there: THAT DOES NOT MEAN A SUV IS SAFE. It only means that the SUV doesn\’t absorb the impact, but will transfer the impact to the passengers. BAM! I was surprised that Mae showed. And VERY NOT SURPRISED THAT HIEN DIDN\’T MAKE IT.

Sometimes, I am really troubled by how much my social anxiety intrudes on my socializing. I really do like being around people. But around certain people, I am suddenly SHUT OFF. I don\’t talk like I do elsewhere…and I dislike that part about myself. It\’s like JENN STOP BEING SOCIALLY ANXIOUS, but I start worrying…and I end up saying nothing at all.

Shinelun and his gf didn\’t show today to Aaron\’s party. I would just like to mention that. AHEM. I had fun watching Sex and the City. I wish my life was like that…actually I don\’t.

Remind me again why I don\’t like bars.

Fiona, from my internship, a few days ago randomly asked me if I wanted to meet guys. She said that they had cars, had jobs and had a lot of money. I was appalled at first (I don\’t stoop to superficiality), but I reluctantly seceded to her request. Why not? I had declared my desire of singledom to her…awhile ago…so what have I got to lose?

Apparently a lot. (That\’s an exaggeration of course.)

I got to San Francisco around 10:05 pm, because the guys couldn\’t get out until 10:30 pm. Fiona and her boyfriend (who turned out to be someone else at the internship) drove me to this bar called Would you believe? on Geary. At this point, I would like to know why she didn\’t heed my request of having NO ALCOHOL. So I got there. Got a virgin drink called Nothing. It didn\’t taste that great, but having something in my hand while I fidgeted helped me. Eventually the guys arrived. One was…I suppose…fit my ideal of a guy. Yet the other was the one who talked the most. After we made some good small talk, I mentioned how I didn\’t really drink when they asked me what I was holding. And then I had to mention my age. 21. After that, they treated me like I was a kid. Too young for them. Too inexperienced. And they made jokes about how I was probably naive and knew nothing about the world. They were 26. This is where everything started going downhill.

They played Deuces and I didn\’t know what the game was until we started playing. I knew how to play. Yet one of the guys took my hand and started playing for me. Not including me at all. He lost, of course.

Somehow, someone came up with a great idea of playing drinking games when evidently I don\’t drink. I didn\’t want to be a spoilsport, so I encouraged them to play without me while I watched. After all, it\’s no fun playing drinking games if not everybody is drinking. But yet they persisted saying that I could use my virgin drink as a replacement. I just didn\’t want to do it anymore.

Funny thing was…when they convinced me to play, I won every game. Luck was on my side. Yet, I didn\’t find the games interesting at all. I had a sudden urge to bolt from the bar. And just walk again in San Francisco alone in the dark. But I stayed.

Eventually, games were over and the guy had the nerve to ask me what was the most interesting thing that occured to me in the last two years. Last straw. I politely said that it wasn\’t a good idea for me to tell him. And he pleaded. He begged. And he was so asking for it. Eventually, I said, It was when I dumped my last boyfriend. Actually it was when I ruined a guy\’s life. I played mind games. I made him cry that he would go into a corner and sulk all day. That was the most interesting experience I have had the last two years.

My sister suggested that I should have said This definitely isn\’t in the top ten. :D

I don\’t think I will see them again. :)

In honor of my sister\’s b-day yesterday, I decided to take an unofficial day off! :D

In reality, I was becoming jaded about my internship and didn\’t feel like I was doing much there. And I stood outside my house for about 10 minutes and my carpool didn\’t show. I didn\’t feel like wasting a third of my gas tank to drive two hours roundtrip to the internship. LAZY.

HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY TO MY SISSY!!!!!!! YO OLD LADY (on thursday the 24th)!!! two decades old! :D

My sister told me a heart-warming story of our sister bond. Probably when I was 8 or so and my sister was 7. Our mom was in the kitchen pattering and pittering. I got distracted by something and while my head was turned away, my sister dumped salt in my bowl of rice. I turned back and started eating my rice again. I pushed it away and refused to eat it. Then my mom came over. She refused to let me skip a bowl of rice. I didn\’t know why the rice tasted so horrible. And thus, she force-fed me it. Later, I puked with my sister watching (and probably laughing very loudly).

And I don\’t remember that incident at all.

And then this story written by my sister when she was 11. It is based on semi-true events.
An excerpt (RJ = me, Andrea = my sister, Jess = a \”friend\”):
Dear Diary,
Near the beginning of the school year, I became friends with RJ, who is in my grade, and Andrea, RJ\’s younger sister. I was really better friends with RJ, but RJ told me that Andrea is rich! She has over $500!


now you people who are not my sister, go wish a happy b-day (at her blogee). yes YOU!

cheez: The last message was not sent
because you are over the rate limit. Please
wait until sending is re-enabled and send the
message again.



some idiot is having fun warning me in aim. immaturity. It\’s almost the same as watching someone kill my mailbox with a bat as S/HE rides by in a car. BANG. Does that person look cool? I don\’t think so.

Everyone you have ever talked to who still has you on their list, whether they have talked to you within 3 years or not, will im you the second you have a warning. They will bombard you with stupid questions asking how you got the warning. And chances are some of these people will warn you too. And then the vicious cycle continues with ever more im\’s. And this is by far the worst part ot the warning system. It is a bullshit, arbitrarily designed algorithm that brings out the ignorance of people.

It is very interesting how that is true.

If you can\’t say anything nice, then don\’t say anything at all.

Did I ever agree to that? Funny that some people like to call me the…N-word.

HELLO EVERYONE. MY SISTER\’s 20TH B-DAY IS IN THREE DAYS!!!!!! sniff, sobby…my wittle sister is turning two decades OLD!

Here is her wish list.

And I was so thorougly amused by her atheist post. Especially the collection of quotations on Atheists.

I am an atheist, out and out. It took me a long time to say it. I\’ve been an atheist for years and years, but somehow I felt it was intellectually unrespectable to say that one is an atheist, because it assumed knowledge that one didn\’t have. Somehow it was better to say one was a humanist or agnostic. I don\’t have the evidence to prove that God doesn\’t exist, but I so strongly suspect that he doesn\’t that I don\’t want to waste my time. – Issac Asimov

Doreen\’s response was simply I\’m done wasting my time too Issac!

I went and got a complimentary car wash today for my very dirty Integra. I had moved out all the junk in the car so that they could clean more easily. However, they neglected to clean the trunk. I still had remnants of dry leaves in there and other assorted goodies.

But it felt good to have a clean windshield. When I drive the car to Santa Clara, I am sure it will get all covered with idiotic insects again.

And I also wish car washes had better signs. All they had was \”DID YOU REMEMBER TO LEAVE YOUR KEYS?\” Nobody ever told me that I was supposed to drive into the car wash first…then pay after they started vacuuming. I had gone into the cashier first before I drove my car in. Nobody told me either that I had to hold onto my reciept. Blah, but this car wash is the most highly rated in the East Bay for its touchless wash…and the latino labor they provide. I wonder if they like it, because as I was walking past the back…I thought I heard a whistle.

I really didn\’t want to go to Lulu\’s dinner, but I had felt obligated. When she had first sent out the invite, I was geared up to go. I never let anybody down. I didn\’t want to be the someone who just didn\’t make it to things with futile excuses. The same people who never made it to my parties. And yet, with the feelings of…discomfort with certain people that may go, the fact that the restaurant was far away…all compounded into me not desiring to go. Yet when I called Lulu the day of, she convinced me that I had no good reason not to go. And it was true. I really did want to be there, yet I didn\’t want to go there. And I was in a dilemma.

Yet as I was leaving, my dad said something that put me in a very sour mood. I didn\’t get directions to the restaurant. Just all self-destruction. And I moped all the way to San Francisco. I got off at Civic Center and as a result of my sour mood, I wandered the blocks around the area trying to see I had intuition of finding the place. And of course the instinct that…females in a skirt shouldn\’t be walking around alone on streets of San Francisco where bums sit omg nude bars…hit me. I eventually called 411 and got hold of the restaurant. Turns out it was on the other side of town. I wandered all the way down Market and stopped to look at a map. A strange asian guy went up to me and asked if I needed help. I asked him where Columbus was, hoping seceretly he wouldn\’t ask me any more questions. He showed me on the map and I went on. I kept walking near other people just so to ease my fear of getting mugged. I don\’t know why I was so jumpy because I never am when I walk in Berkeley late at night. Eventually, I got to Montgomery and walked through the financial district. Completely deserted. Past Transamerica. Then finally I got to Columbus where I saw the distant Chinatown. Finally.

I decided that I\’ll skip dinner and drank water. I gave Lulu a present…hope she liked it! It was an interesting experience today. I got a ride back with Lulu\’s friend…who turned out to be the daughter of a computer science teacher in high school. This was also the teacher that was in my Java class two summers ago. Exciting.

Happy birthday Lulu (whenever the real birthday is since nobody tells me) and have a great year in Japan!