we almost stopped a robbery taking place at longs but didnt care enough to. the guy ran into me and if i was in a bad mood, i would have punched him out but the fact that they were stealing didn\’t register till a second later. says stacee.

now shroom\’s version:
i heard someone say \”stop him\” or something. So like the ran towards me and i didn\’t register fast enough couldn\’t get a good hold on the shoplifter guy… =P

Daween: I was excited by all the action that I didn\’t even realize it was a robbery! :D

Linkin Park at the Warfield in San Francisco (no there weren\’t any protests at 7 pm Sunday)!!!!

I think I now know why the floor is so much better despite having actual seats when having balcony tickets.

1. THE GUYS BEHIND US WOULDN\’T LET US STAND UP (until the very end when the two most popular songs were performed). They were like \”GIRLS\” and tugged at my sister\’s jacket.
2. No chance of getting something from the band – i.e. guitar picks, drumsticks, water bottles, towels
3. People are just not as active as they would be on the floor
4. SMELLS OF POT are way too strong when you are not allowed to move away from your seats
5. It\’s not just not as fun…

My sister has returned for spring break. And my parents have been treating her so nicely (they bought her THINGS…things they never buy for me). I admit that I am a little envious, but I have the benefit of attending college close at home.

Plus the fact that I have a tendency to debate with my parents.
– un-support of the war (my dad is the only one who in support of the war)
– why I didn\’t sign up for summer school (BECAUSE I WAS INTENDING TO GET AN INTERNSHIP OR JOB this summer)
– that it is worth it to buy a new answering machine when it is broken instead of trying to fix it
– THE AVERAGE GAS PRICE IS NOT $4 (my dad thinks my mom believes this)
– interracial relationships (I have discovered recently that my parents feel a little uncomfortable with the idea, but will support my sister and me if we do pursue one…well this wasn\’t a debate…but still…something I disagree with strongly)
– how boys will not take advantage of me
– how I have to be LADYLIKE all the time


whoops, my blood is boiling again…

Was thinking about this and I realized that I had the image on my hard drive. Awwww, how sweet of Tanner to photochop me back in the days when he didn\’t even know who I was.


NIGHTMARE. I don\’t like ordering services although I really need them. My best experience of ordering an utility was electricity. and gas It was quick and efficient. No mess. No stupidity.

they apparently rejected me for some reason at the beginning of the year and there was this huge fuss of me faxing them my driver\’s license.

AT&T took forever to find us. Because my apartment number is not explicitly stated at the front door of the apartment number, the reps probably got confused and got…stupid because they apparently didn\’t look at the listing to find my last name. My last name corresponds with some code…BUT NO THEY WERE TOO IDIOTIC TO LOOK IT UP.
then the internet died about a week later and they took forever to reach us.

I e-mailed comcast asking a question about the name change and the pricing structure. They gave a stupid response.

One of the few things that I like about cable internet: fast upload/download speeds, when I call them, someone picks up…no menu

Because the price for cable internet is rising, I opted for Yahoo sbc dsl. So I proceed to order it online. I put in my ___@uclink.berkeley.edu address and they rejected it saying that I had to put in the format STUPIDDSL@DSL.COM Then after I put in another backup e-mail address, I got this response:

Sorry, we could not place your order at this time.
Due to your credit history with us, we are unable to process your order online.

FURY. Of course, I cannot go without my internet.

That was how much I was involved with the protest at Berkeley. Just a photo of the protest (consisting of at least 1000 people singing, chanting, having speakers etc. and yes there were people selling t-shirts and signs) as I was walking to class. I don\’t wholly agree with the war, but like many of the students here, I am apathetic. It\’s not that I don\’t want to voice my view, but it\’s just that apathy of…what good will it do to protest?

Most people I know complain that protests block the passage way of buildings, take away business, destroy the peace. But that is the point of the protest–to disrupt every day living, in order to make the point.

The monthly price for cable Internet is going up. Joy. :p

And it has been one of those rare nights that I leave my computer on overnight just because…CHEEZ WAS SENDING ME THE XENOSAGA SOUNDTRACK (and it\’s good too).

so the war has started.

It seems a lot of people are not fully informed about the intentiions. To show aggression? To show that we\’re not weak? To show that we\’re as evil as Sadaam thinks we are?

stop acting like 5 year olds. where\’s their mommy when you need her?

Berkeley has been very apathetic, but I may see myself in participating in something today. There is definitely going to be a PROTEST in sproul plaza. And perhaps, people will walk out of class.

In fact, my GSI from last semester has officially invited all of us to go \”get arrested\”:
Tomorrow I am going to San Francisco to help block an intersection, in an effort to shut the city down. I will probably be arrested. On this first day of war the stock market is rising. The ordinary lives we lead are part of an economy that thrives on bloodshed and the poverty of people all over the world. Like the Germans in World War II, we keep that economy going by ignoring the violence behind it. I am no longer willing to be a good German and keep quiet.

And my GSI this semester has e-mailed out:
Jason has decided he can\’t go about his business as usual on Thursday, March 20.

Because I am wasting more time…and because Cheez sent me another amusing joke through e-mail…

An old man was sitting on a bench at the mall. A young man walked up to the bench and sat down. He had spiked hair in all different colors: green, red, orange, blue, and yellow. The old man just stared. Every time the young man looked, the old man was staring.

The young man finally said sarcastically, \”What\’s the matter old timer, never done anything wild in your life?\”

Without batting an eye, the old man replied, \”Got drunk once and had sex with a parrot. I was just wondering if you were my son.\”