My birthday is in less than 30 days…so you know it’s THAT time! The BIRTHDAY WISHLIST! The most self-righteous, most self-serving, most self-centered, self-entitled moment of the year on my blog. I am turning 28 for your information.
Although in the past year, I have had moments of…envy of a young person who has “accomplished a lot”. This time, I don’t feel as old. I HOPE!
So there!
Previous years: 2009, 2008, no forgotten year of 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002
In order of importance!
1. PRESENCE > PRESENT. You will be there not because I asked you to, but because you want to be there!
2. To let good luck meet Chris!
3. Canon Powershot S30
4. Sodastream! To make my own soda! And many carbonators!
5. A contract-less, cheap smart phone plan!
6. Lots of my favorite fruit – nectarines, peaches, plums
7. Candy! The fruity kind. Hard AND soft! And tons of it!
8. Ice cream! Fruity kind works well!
9. A writing class